▍論壇資訊 Information
☰ 主辦單位 Host:海洋委員會 Ocean Affairs Council
☰ 活動時間 Date:2024/11/13 (Time zone: GMT+8)
☰ 活動地點 Location:花蓮福容大飯店 Fullon Hotel Hualien
※ 本活動完全免費,以全英文進行,並提供中文翻譯。This event will be conducted in English, and provide Chinese translation.
▍聯絡窗口 Contact
☰ 主辦單位 Host:海洋委員會 Ocean Affairs Council
☰ 承辦單位 Organizer:財團法人台灣經濟研究院 Taiwan Institute of Economic Research
☰ 聯絡資訊 Contact:吳小姐 Vivian Wu / 07-2620898#857 / d34428@tier.org.tw
▍注意事項 Notice
1. 為配合行政院花蓮災後復原重建政策,凡經本會審核確認「報名成功」並於11月13日當日全程參與者,本次活動酌予提供住宿、交通等相關活動參與費用,共計新台幣2,500元(須於論壇結束後,出示11/12之花蓮住宿憑證/單據)。
In line with the Executive Yuan's policy for post-disaster recovery and reconstruction in Hualien, all participants who successfully register and attend the full event on November 13 will be provided with a participation fee, including accommodation, transportation, and other related expenses, totaling NT$2,500. (must present Hualien accommodation voucher/receipt for 11/12 after the forum)
2. 本次活動採審核制,報名後需接到主辦單位的審核通過信件方為「報名成功」並視為主辦單位邀請對象。
This event follows a review process. Registration will only be considered successful upon receiving an approval email from the organizer, and you will be regarded as an invitee of the organizer.
3. 如有發燒或上呼吸道症狀者,請儘速就醫並來電通知承辦人員不克出席論壇。
If you have fever, cough or other acute respiratory symptoms, please seek medical assistance and do not to attend the event.
4. 現場不提供瓶裝水,請自備環保杯及餐具。
The disposable tableware is not provided in the event, please prepare your own bottle and tableware.
5. 個人資料蒐集僅用於此次活動之行政庶務及保險等相關事宜。
Personal data collection is only used for the administrative affairs and insurance of this event.